Wednesday, November 13, 2013



So far I have only seen a portion of the world, but I have big plans for the future. Tucked away deep in the crevices of my room is a jar, and that jar is almost completely full of coins and dollars. This jar is full of money that I want to use on a trip somewhere, and I have chosen to go to New York City. I have been having dreams of going to the big city for years now, and I have already saved up a bit to make that dream become reality. New York is the city of dreams, the city where things happen! I may have unrealistic expectations about it, but that does not keep me from wanting to go there and see what the big hub bub is about. I want to explore central park, go see a Broadway show, and have Breakfast at Tiffany's. All I want is one perfect week in New York City. I would love to buy some nice clothes from the shopping district there and do a haul for you guys! That's another goal of mine. If I start making youtube videos further down the line I will definitely document my adventures in New York City.
                                                         Do you not see the appeal here?

I am planning on making it to NYC next year for my eighteenth birthday. I can just imagine it: me on a plan, legal age, wearing some fashionable outfit; ready to take on New York. It would be a dream come true. One of the stops I want to make there is going to Michelle Phan's new "em" store! That would be fantastic. She has always been such an inspiration of mine and I would love to see the incredible work she has done to have her own makeup line and shop! And its in New York, which makes it that much cooler.
                                 A bagel and coffee would taste so much better in front of this store!

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